Immunocompromised surgical patients
- Sirolimus slows down wound healing. Consider switching transplant patients to a different immunosupressive drug to limit wound healing problems.
- Patients on Sirolimus also exhibit higher post operative complications of seromas, hernias, and wound dehiscence.
- We have gotten away from the practice of administering stress dose steroids on most general surgery patients on maintenance steroids
- Avoid placing hemodialysis catheters if possible because of the short-term and long-term complications.
- Most likely wouldn’t remove a catheter just for a febrile episode on hemodialysis. But if the patient is septic – still try to maintain the catheter if possible.
- UNOS = united network of organ sharing. When an organ donor is identified, the info is sent to UNOS who then generate a list of possible recipients.
- Travel outside of the US. Big question is who is the donor?
- Organ trafficking is illegal in the US. But not illegal to take care of the patient postop in the US after the patient had gone overseas.
- AV fistulas are considered to be better than AV grafts – short-term and long term.
- Peritoneal Dialysis use is expanding – many people who weren’t considered eligible in the past are now eligible.
- Immunosuppression increases the risk for cancer.
- Typhlitis, non-surgical protocol is used whenever possible when the patient is not toxic. Typhlon = cecum (Greek). Necrotizing enterocolitis, neutropenic enterocolitis., caecitis. Typhlitis affects immunocompromized patients such as those undergoing chemotherapy, patients with AIDS, transplant patients, or the elderly.